Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll answer a few points made here. Firstly, I like Magnums. They're handy in close quarters and can be dual wielded...
That /is/ a very nice pyramid. And the layout inside is nice too. But why are there 10 BRs and only 5 other weapons, 2 of which you most likely...
Pronunciation /pɾo.nunˌθia̯ˈmie̯ (literally) A pronouncement or "declaration". (idiomatic) A military uprising or coup in Spain or the...
Please delete/lock this thread. My bad.
Hamlet: The Game (aka Dane went Insane and everyone got Slain) Whoever can guess the reference gets a cookie! The houses look nice, and the...
Ideally, you shouldn't get annoyed about the lack of cover at all, without changing it. As is, though, the map looks nice, great for SWAT and the...
Epic Win! Unfortunately, you have to embed the pictures, otherwise your thread gets locked in an hour. Use tinypic or something.
Perfect! I've been waiting a long time for a guide like this, and you've delivered! Thanks, I will leave you a small sum of cash in my will. :)
Cheers! I agree: the teleporter is unnatural, but I couldn't be bothered to scrap the map for its sake, and the other jump is too hard to be...
[IMG] Hello again, ForgeHub! Christmas is upon us, so I decided to make a puzzle to celebrate. I've seen a load of jumpers lately, but most of...
Alternatively, they could be looking for people to help them gun, since there are none at base? If they're running off with them and ditching...
Yeah, this is pretty good, as we found out yesterday :P I'll help you test for the full release, if you like. :D
Map name: Omen: Beta 2-12 players Thread: [IMG]
As I said on the other community montage, every montage needs at least /one/ laser overkill :3 : Halo 3 File Details Also, they weren't...
Haha, this was just a spur of the moment thing guys. Not staged, trying to break out of the map (succeeding in theater!) and I got sandwiched. And...
Option B sounds the most reasonable. Y' know, if they have Action Sack on Reach.
Not getting any kills. Also, thanks for the advice on ghost merging, kardofaces, I'll have to try that out tomorrow.
Omnomnom. [IMG]
No, it's obviously a Rashberry. Viva Pinata! [IMG]
Haha, I said that I didn't know how to ghost merge. Or rather, I don't have a method yet. Nothing on this map was actually geomerged, sadly :'(