Multicog By Noxiw, as well. :p
Those merged ramps and obelisks look so badass, but i'm not sure as to how this would play. I'mma give it a download out of curiousity, and post...
I agree with grunt; the attacking odsts definitely make this map seem unique. I also agree in that the brutes should get the brute vehicles, and...
Ugh. Well, I'm going to wait until wednesdAy to open it up. Hopefully i'll be able to get all of my irl friends online and we can all have a bash...
It's a minigame. Are we really going to criticise it for being too simple? I'm just glad that the author had an original idea for it. If you're...
Why on earth didnt district 9 get the attention it deserved at the oscars? It was a really interesting portrayal of the whole aliens on earth...
Looks like a good idea for a rollercoaster, but merging the objects together would definitely have made things run a little smoother. Look up...
Foreshadow looks amazingly stylised. Your maps seen to have a very unique feel, bending around naturally, and i like that. I'll download...
I really regret not ever playing halo 2, as i never really got to know some of the awesome urban maps they had on there, like headlong and turf....
Is this meant to be some sort of alien zoo? Because nost of the structures look like insects of some kind, which is really cool. Makes the map...
Er... This is looking awesome, really awesome, but it means i'm going to have to remake my btb map quite a bit to make it look more distinct. The...
Hmmmm?! For once i'm actually interested in mlg. I might give this a go, until i get creamed by all of the generals :p
Nicely forged, but it looks and plays a little too much like default for me. It's also a little too open for the vehicles; warthogs would dominate...
It'd only be boring for the people who died, their fault really. The rest of the covenant would have an exciting time keeping themselves alive...
Poorly conceived idea for a teaser... However, this looks like an ac-130 map, and a good one at that. hopefully it'll play better than yoy give...
One question. Wouldn't it be better to have more covenant, but have them only respawn in waves? i think it's possible to configure it so that all...
As far as space battles are concerned, doing a high ground style map on an orbital MAC gun would be fine. Alternatively, a boarding action remake...
Man, i love it when people forge on maps other than sandbox or foundry. You just get a load of creativity as a result, and this map really shows...
Haha, everyone's decided to make btb maps the moment before i release mine! :) Anyways, this looks pretty nice, and much more sandboxish than...
What if the point defense gauntlet could be used as a second weapon that slows the user as much as carrying a turret? It could be like a cooler...