FYI, Bungie confirmed in one of their Weekly updates at some point (like July or something, I can't remember exactly when) that decorations have...
I love how Bungie managed to do space-combat better than a lot of other games on their first try... <3
Only just saw your comment, much appreciated. Also fyi, I'm putting up a much, much bigger version onto forgehub as a preview, maybe tomorrow....
What, why doesn't this have more comments. This was sick when I tested it, multi flag was so fun whilst we had falcons gunning us down and...
Medal Name: Avatar Medal Pic: It's my Avatar. Medal Description: Get a Killionaire with a Sniper Rifle.
Nice to see this finally being released after being at all those test sessions! :) I really like the way you worked the colour green into...
It's a nice room, to be fair.
You'll probably want to save the pictures from bnet to your hard drive, then upload them to photobucket. Then you'll have full size pics.
Okay, you don't need that many links. You need pictures instead! Take some screenshots, upload them with photobucket and then add them to the...
Actually, I might let people get to the Ghost since it's an absolute pain, and just set it to never respawn. One Ghost rampage a map should be...
So do you mean something like tweaking the respawn zones? Or maybe just adding more spawns away from the blue base?
Wow, this looks like great fun. The corridors look like they have enough space to jump around in, and the layout seems like a mixture of Orbital...
Eheh, absolutely. :3 Also, I've finished the first edit of the map. All geometry objects are now spawning correctly, and Oddball, CTF and Assault...
Man, I'm welling up just thinking about Headhunter on Construct with Jetpacks. :') This looks fantastic, and I can't wait to download it. One...
aaaargh wtf. sorry about that fiasco :/
[IMG] Hi Forgehub! I'm back from my hiatus of making small Halo 3 maps, and now I've decided to have a stab at Reach. First of all, I have to say...
Nice, congrats on your purple! I have a small doubles map ready for submission, if you want to test it sometime. Tis on my fileshare.
After testing this, I can say that the gameplay's top notch. I particularly liked the little jump pads behind the flag in each base, even if I got...
What's with the random columns? Were they just debris from the original map, or did you add them in? I get the feeling that they'd be frustrating...
Duel wielding owns a BR at close range. s0 ur a stuped :P I love the weapon choice for this map, all of the weapons provide a variety of...