Thank you for the great feedback. Lucifer and I are Currently working on v2 which should be out later tonight as well as more screenshots and the...
We are still testing this map. It is currently in its first stage. By tomorrow, we will have three or four different gametypes, along with...
durderas, I am willing to take on the challenge of creating this map and gametype. I am stuck on ideas for a new map and this might be the best...
Thanks. The rocket spawn area 'glass wall' was made by interlocking two sheild doors, one on the top of the fence wall and on on the bottom. This...
You might want to delete the other threads you've created... Also you HAVE to embed your pictures. Follow the guide on posing you map when you...
Please read this topic - You need pictures! To make this a perfect post please add a weapons and structures list. As well as the name and...
Please read this topic - You need pictures and you most definately need a better description/other useful things for your map post. I made...
You might want to reduce the 'weapon caches' which is a problem for some infection maps I think. But other than that great work with the time of...
Vicinity v2.0 Created By Sacred x War and Lucifer just (Downloads at bottom of thread) [EDITS FOR Vicinity v3.0 currently in progress]...
This map is very playable. I reccomend this to anyone that plays a lot of custom games with their friends. 5/5 - Great work.