I'm sorry, but I don't. Can't you just use the Neutral Bomb Varient? Or are you going for something special?
When I said try to smooth out the bridge I meant the little bunny hops from the walls. An idea would be fuse some fence walls into the existing...
Agreed. The members there are inmature, and most of the (it seems) don't really have any idea of what they're talking here. The Forge Hub Forums...
Sorry, I just assumed that you would be stuck. The teleporters would make it even better then.
Yeah I'm working on stuff. Hey while you're thinking can you post some stuff for map suggestions as well as a concept map that I'm brainstorming...
Hey Dragon dude. You might want to rid of your armoury. I know it sounds cool, but its actually not very functional in competitive style maps....
Thats not necesarily floating objects, as the objects dosn't remain or float in the air. The object just falls. This is good for falling objects,...
It's actually a well thought out map with all of the timed map event. Getting out of the map would be a pointless decision. I mean why would you...
This was intenended to inform new members to the Forging community how to make cleaner and neater maps. Another tip for this would be if you are...
That's a very interesting disovery you're made there. You know of any other maps generators are located on besides The Pit?
NEW! - Character Class Gametype/Map Ideas Well, I have seen some maps where there are character classes to choose from in the causal gaming...
Hey headshot. If you're not done with the aspects of the map and such and youre still in testing.. please hold off on posting the map to make it...
Interlocking updates will all be in version 3.0. Will hopefully be up within the week. We are currently deleting the decorative top structure...
May I ask, What does the (NO FILTERS) mean?
Looks like a fun map. Ill download it. Some suggestions would be to try and somehow straighten the 'tower of spools' Mabye use a sideways double...
That sounds like a great idea, but instead on the spawning then dieng thing, you could create rooms for each of the classes and have starting...
Hey welcome! I'm new here too. Just a suggestion for your post. Try to go to photobucket.com and upload your pictures. They turn out nice and...
This is a fantasic map, however I suggest that you might want to find a way to smooth out your bridge with the sword on it.
Yes, the powerups are purple and orange, however we may remove that section and add more to the map
Alright, well for now we have v2.0 complete. Walls straight, and grenades lessened. New gametypes and the likes. Oh and tex, the items in the...