yeah my english buddy asked me to do one a day or two ago. ill probly try to knock it out today. if so ill post it here
i've never heard of flags on blackout?
i thought a couple of people mentioned trying to do some other flags but its been a little over a month and no ones mentioned back here that they...
i would but sadly there are only 6 red/blue columns left
so has anyone even tried making some other countries flags yet I thought it would be cool to see such things
??? dude there is definatly 50 stars because the standard star pattern which is what i used it 5 rows of 6 stars (30) and 4 rows of 5 stars (20)
well if you wanna think of it that way it would probly be easier for them to take the capture points to the flag
yeah now that you mention it wood bridges probly would show up more white... ill have to mess with it later
no from the ones you see here there would only be 6 red columns left and 8 blue ones which is nowhere near enough
i the picture i was remembering of him he had the plunger tilted slightly and so was he. also the effects made this REALLY dark and hard to see : Halo 3 File Details he saw what you were doing with the skull and you didn't "keep it clean" [IMG]
sry my friend mice told me to spam my flag on these forumns then he told me he was sarcastic sorrys a special one i made for the fourth of july. happy independence day... : Halo 3 File Details i spent 5 and half hours on it making everything merged so that it would look really nice [IMG] EDIT: I hereby... : Halo 3 File Details [IMG] this one is blurry cuz it looked horrible unless i used the nova filter on the screenshot dedicated to the...
hey dude how goes it
that sounds really kool
huh.. i never heard of that before... ill have to check it out
it has something to do with xbl child account, and random xbl glitches through the day. but if you wanna witness it first hand try naming a map...
kool i never even heard of that til now