or perhaps with the creative rights that the makers have to their work...
I know a lot of taps that you can use a trip wire for. Basically if you can use a pressure pad, a tripwire is better.
Absolutely Gorgeous Matty. I know that mining Bros is your baby, but if you ever want to stop by and play on leptir's some time, We would be more...
like you said, you are best at not drowning.
We went over this, it's a gag. moose is the only **** bag whose house i want burned down, i would never do it though. i just want to instill the...
i never greif anyone but moose because he 's a douche. Look there is poetry in it!
THis is awesome. Built on leptir's server by Liamribena, our moderator. Just amazing. Minecraft: MineField - Battlefield PVP Arena - 3 Game...
gunna lock this, open up a discussion thread for old games if you wanna talk about this.
Ok stop the arguing. Although I despise griefers as much as the next guy, there is no need to flame him. On the other hand, I wonder why you...
Technically, your post is spam because it discusses Minecraft and not his series. ;) BLOO EDIT: Not even going to point out the irony here....
Sorry for the late answer, but no, you must record your voice with 3rd party software such as audacity.
hello moron.
Same lol. The wal;l is awesome and epic though. If you want the land terraformed, btw, give me a holler. Funny you say that, I built my mine...
Haha yeah not much we can do about it.
He's Leptir1 because were awesome!
nice feed, nothing special though. I like the gun choice however! http://www.forgehub.com/forum/videos/124895-ultimate-video-guide-hd-pvr.html...