I saw a man wit a golden SMAW. It was scary because he was knifing, and I ever knew when he was going to bust it out.
I do have to say that Torchwood is a little weird. I did like the idea of progress in social values in the future, I thought that was a cool...
Captain Jack is not liked by mister sarge, huh?
Haha, why? I just liked the job Davies and Tennant did with the show. However, Moffat has some awesome stories. I guess that comment was a little...
Woot woot! Vice you rock!
Shanon, if you want to go ahead and make it, be my guest. PM me the ID and Password, if you would <3
Steven Moffat is a good writer, but he pales in comparison to Russel T. Davies.
Vicious Vice had it for TGIF, I can start it up again if you'd like?
Haha That one game, I had 51 tags and my team still lost. I don't understand how the Randoms are so stupid.
perhaps the second half will be better. Do you think they'll include Oswin in the return of JLC?
I have just over 250 games at the time... That's pretty damn good. Also, we're better when we try to out do each other lol.
It is also quite difficult to consistently finish top 3 in 99% of the matches you play. No matter what gun you use haha.
Is it only this season you didn't like, or did you not like the whole, death of the doctor thing in season 6 as well.
Ok, we can't all be as good as you and practice with pistols till we win!
Except me, I love Marvel/DC. Does anyone have any ideas what the deal with the Doctor's name is though. I'm really excited for the reveal.
It's actually quite impressive. I have the golden Scorpion, which is pretty cool. However, I'm getting close on the Vector. On a side not,...
Eccleston was cast as the villian in Thor 2. I thought you'd be happier about that!
A few days later aaaaaaand... he has it people. Yeah I don't know how either...
I love ERB, but I thought that didn't do The Doctor justice. Only a few references and, well, he's a timelord genius. He can easily beat a...
Go Home man, you're in New Zealand. It's late there.