Now you should be able to. He must've changed the link. Apparetly they want 1,000 and have 8.
As the contract states they are only allowed 60 workers.
I spam shots because I have terrible aim. :P I really do spam shots, though. Mostly because I (almost) always die if I pace shots. I take too...
You can't unless you're playing invasion.
Y u be hatin on me?
[IMG] If you read this you can see they have been planning this for years.
So 3,300,000 divided by 278,000 equals 0.08%? I'm pretty sure it is 8%...
artifact, you can never go full retard. I do wish they would stop talking about unlocks, though.
So, has there been any recent news of Crysis 3?
I like the name Kernal.
Since you can be the new enemy in MM.
I knew they wouldn't get rid of invasion. This is a recently finished montage from Mattison and the entire Halo Council...
If that was a shirt I'd definitely get it. Pretty cool design.
Why'd you make me exit off of my browser?
Asymmetric Recoilless Carbine-920 or ARC [IMG] Looks pretty cool.
I want to be able to set the clip size of plasma guns lie the gravity hammer and focus rifle. The gravity hammer would be a great power weapon...
When you do get it as close to FR free as possible, you should submit it to the Anniversary Library. I'd love to play it in MM.
But it looks very similiar to a Pelican. Another thing BO2 is going to have is a device that lets you see through walls. They are sort of copying...
That would be pretty interesting. I hope they implement it. Also does anybody know if they are implementing a final kill cam? Only for the final...