Where did you find conformation? And off topic: I just saw a thread on the B.net forums (I rarely get on there anymore), and people still don't...
Bungie.net profile's name or it isn't real :) No but seriously, I personally don't think that is real (maybe Yeti could change my mind with a...
I can pretty much assure you that interlocking will be possible. They would have to change the mechanics of forge for it not to work (all you...
In my opinion, the old one looked untidy. I love the new look. Much more professional.
I would wait a couple of weeks before you hold a contest. If you hold it right away, people will immediately start working on their maps instead...
Off Topic: I played that app on my friends IPod! It was only the trial, tough :( Even though I never really play Halo: CE, I think Boarding...
*Facepalm!* Have you seen how big the sky bubble is? If a person made a large map, it would require more items. Sandbox has a ton of forging...
Haven't played much Halo 2, but I'm pretty sure you could just edit "Infection" to make it how you want it. As for matchmaking, I don't know. As I...
*Sorry, but I'm not following the format* 4 star General, baby! Now I have to brag a little: - I have only owned and Xbox of any sort for...
4 star General, baby! Now I have to brag a little: - I have only owned and Xbox of any sort for one year. - Without ever playing H3 before...
Yea, but only if you don't go over budget...
No, sorry. Re-read my post. I edited it, and it will make more sense.
So I just thought about how many 100 items is... and it's actually quite a lot. Count to 100. It takes a while. Imagine each on of the asterisks...
*The following post is not meant to offend anyone, and I'm not trying to be rude. I am simply trying to make these people aware of what I meant*...
Edited out because some people on these forums don't understand what I typed, and decided to randomly interpret it. Luckily not all of you guys...
Yea I'm pretty excited for the lights too. On foundry you had to use the stupid power ups for callouts. Now we have pretty new orbs that have an...
If anyone here pre orders Halo Wars, be sure to post some good pics of Sandbox for me :) (I have C&C 3 for the PC and it makes Halo Wars look...
Specops is by far the most rediculous and immature person I have ever seen on the internet. Or even real life.
Sorry guys but I have a noob question. What does it mean to be a "tournament" map? Message me if you could. As far as the map goes, it looks...
This map looks really nice. The hexagons are a great aesthetic! This doesn't really seem like an MLG map because there aren't enough lines of...