Earlier someone said 1500
Sorry, I suck at asking questions :( Here are some non-opinion based ones (I'm sure the first one has been answered before, but I don't want...
Just thought of this one: Are there enough objects/budget to make a H2 remake of a map such as Midship or Sanctuary (and I'm talking about a...
Will the crypt be suitable for competitive maps to be made, or do the walls have too big of an effect?
My post up above has been edited (as promised) now that I have played on this map.
I haven't run any customs on this map, but I did a forge-through and it looked great. One thing I noticed is that there is a lot of clutter...
Not sure if you guys have mentioned this yet, but over at the MLG forums, Killa KC gave Fritzter, Kon Artist, and Baron the Mythic Map Pack. I saw...
I've always thought that you Avalanche maps have looked pretty cool, but this is by far my favorite. For one, you finally made all of the boxes...
Or you could add me sense I took the time to type my gamertag in big red letters :) And Ace, you are correct about the time zones.
This map is great. It's nice to play something super unique (compared to Foundry). The merges are all really well done. My only complaint is that...
It's really hard to tell from the pics, but I think I like #2. PLEASE don't do anything that is completely black and white, or the one that is...
Guys, you do realize that this is a thread about Assembly and Orbital, right? If you want to just talk about the skulls, make a thread for it....
This. I'm looking forward to some sweet remakes, but I want to see some fresh new ideas. (And this is kind of spam, but read the bottom of my...
NOTICE I will be hosting some final Foundry customs so we can decide what maps we want to keep when Sandbox comes. Click Here to get the...
**Foundry Customs** Customs Today!!! Read below for times. UPDATE!!! The next Foundry customs will be held Friday, Feb 27, from 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM...
Foundry customs will be hosted soon!!! With Sandbox on its way, many of you will have to delete maps to make room. If you're not sure which...
So guys, I was thinking about something. I have a TON of great Foundry maps, and I'm not sure which ones to keep :( It a shame that so many great...
Instead of private messaging you, I'll just post my GT here. x Encounter x Anyone can add me if they want. Just send me a message with it...
Cold Storage maps = awesome. I'm definitely going to be checking this thread often for updates. I think Cold Storage has a lot of potential.
NOTICE Hey guys, I've never realeased a map yet because I had heard the rumors about Sandbox a long time ago, so I didn't want to waste my time on...