HAHAHAHA!!! MLG is NOT coming to a close. MLG is growing at an extermely fast pace, so you'd better get used to it. But yes, the MLG playlist is...
I use a different callout for about 40% of the ones you have posted. I'm not saying your wrong, but it's funny that every person has a different...
MM is pretty stupid sometimes. Customs tend to have less BS going on. Also, MM wouldn't work because you couldn't choose your opponents unless you...
People, join NXG now!
How do I apply? I liekz competition. EDIT: Oh, I figured out how. Wow I'm an idiot sometimes :(
Don't worry about forgetting to add me... just Click Here. EDIT: let me know if that doesn't work. It's hard to test since I'm signed in as...
From what I've seen: Yes Yes Yes Yes It is literally just a re-skinned gravity hammer. Simple enough.
I don't play as an Elite, so I wouldn't know. And guys, I don't care if you play as Elites, but please switch to a Spartan when you go into the...
LOL at this! It should be, "Although not needed, good spelling and proper use of the English language makes a review look professional. How...
No Bungie pro :( I will probably have another one this weekend. The last one was kind of awkward because everyone was being really quiet....
I would help, but I already have a 50 in that playlist. (And I'm not trying to brag about it, I'm just saying).
I just did a forge-through, and I lOVE the layout! I think this map has a TON of potential, but it needs a little fixing. For one, some of you...
What's the friend request for? lol Oh, and I checked out your new map. Sweet layout, but I think it could use a v2.
Yes No Just remember that the more items there are, the laggier it gets.
It is a re-skinned gravity hammer. You just hit the ball (a re-skinned soccer ball) into a hole that is pictured earlier in this thread. EDIT:...
Yes, they are. Kill balls are an immovable object.
What do you mean by one spot? They are in a ring though, kind of like the towers on Sandtrap. You could do that, but you would need more than...
I believe that the towers themselves are behind an invisible barrier.
Yes. (That is if you can avoid getting lasered by the towers.)
YES!!! I have been playing this with friends and it has been a blast, but the lift kept making me fly backwards :( I'm so glad this has been...