Copied and pasted from my MLGpro post. Also, all of this is my opinion, not fact. If this is the permanent layout, then I'm not impressed. Good...
*Note: I have not yet played on this map, so my post is purely based off of observation* I personally think this map is too small to be very...
I was fortunate to have the original Transfusion and I thought it was great. Although I had only played FFAs on it, it was still a blast. This new...
I'm not saying this map is bad, but Metalock is a way better remake IMO. Good job nonetheless.
First off, welcome to the forums. There are threads around the forums that will tell you how to post a map. I will give you some links down below....
Hey, I know it's lame to post a comment on my own page, but I thought I would let you all know that I finally have a decent "About Me" section.
BTW, in my post (2nd post in thread) where I say to replace the 2 single boxes with 2 corner walls, I actually meant to say to replace them with 2...
Quote the person, copy the code for it, and then cancel the post and paste the code into the post that you want it to be in. Example of the...
Cool design, but the shotty needs to be replaced by a mauler. Also, take off some of the plasma grenades. 8 is way too many for such a small map....
This is great. Very accurate, you are obviously a very experienced forger (if your not experienced, than this is unbelievable). I wasn't expecting...
I love well-forged maps above Blackout, and this doesn't disappoint. It looks sorta like Transfusion (I am NOT accusing you of copying, I'm just...
This looks very nice. It would have been better if all the boxes were the same color, but like you said, you probably would have gone insane :)....
This looks great. It reminds me of the map "The Singularity." The interlocking looks very smooth, and I also see some nice merging. The...
Wow. When I saw that elevator... wow. That's all I can say. Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Seriously, though, it's genius. I can't wait to check this out,...
Most people play on 3 or 4, but just play on whatever feels comfortable to you. If you're having problems keeping your reticle on someone, try...
I would say Snipedown or Roy. Roy recently one the '08 MLG MVP. I would choose Roy over Snipedown because Roy is on my favorite team (Instinct)....