DLed. I'll test it out with some parties :)
Looks pretty good, I'll DL. :)
Looks pretty good, I'll DL and comment later. :)
Very fun map, all my parties I've been with in past 2 days have enjoyed it, love the concept, but all need a minute afterwards to catch their...
Wow, very nicely done, looks amazing. Just include the DL link ^^.
Definately a different concept of scoring. I like the idea, but spawn killing seems too easy.
LOL, thanks? :P Avalanche can be hard to forge on due to all the different terain heights, but to follow the sotryline we decided to make it a...
Looks like fun ^_^
Artic as in Arythemic. Not arctic... Thanks! :) I made most of the map where it was fine, my two helpers quickly put things together, the...
Artic Outpost Created by: LuckoftheMoose Assistance by: C14 Wojo and X BlackOut X Note: Download map for full experience, pictures don't show...
Wow, looks amazing for the objects foundry offers. Very creatrive, I've seen many attempts that looked horrible, but this looks great. Gonna DL!
I played this map with all 3 game types and sev. different parties. Most thought it was ok, or would prefer not to play it. I think that...
Hmmm, looks basic, but I'll DL. Nothing wrong about basic ^_^
Looks nice, and not biast (from the pics). I'll DL and get back to you. ^_^
Looks like it was made very well. Looks like a lot of fun. Although, the way juggernaut is described makes him sound TOO powerful, maybe lower his...
Hmmm, some-what difficult to make a judgement off the pictures. I think I'll DL it and try it out with my friends and get back to you. :)
I like the maze and the basic structure. Only thing that looks bad is that turret room, it looks like easy 60 minute killing, making the game...
I DLed this map. I would rec. for parties of 6-10. My parties all had different view points. Most said it was 'ok', a few said 'good', and a...
I'm glad I DLed, very fun, every party I make sure to play this with friends. Everyone seems to like it everytime ^_^
LOL, does the brown humans and white zombies symbolize anything? lol. Looks pretty good. Gonna DL.