From the pics it looks very OPEN. I know its basketbomb, and it probably plays well open, but after like 5 mins, make cannon mans appear or...
After playing for about an hour with a small party, the score was still 0-0. I think the map itself could use a little more and game settings for...
Looks good from the pics, I'll test this one out ^^
When told it is a subway, I think you made it well. Looks a little too open in some spots, but easily resembles a subway. With less open space...
My parties thought it was alright. Some spots can get a little annoying against the humans. Otherwise a decent map.
Looks pretty good from the pics. I'll DL and test it out! :)
LOL, I DLed this map. It was fun, mainly b/c my party was very bored last night. We ended up making up our own gameplay of 'kingdoms'. We each...
Looks pretty good. I think more could have been done on this map than just the snipers to give a little more variety. The map itself looks...
From the pics, it looks pretty good. I'll DL it and give some feedback after I test it out.
Looks really good, especially those real to game pic comparisons. Nice job. Did you serve in the military? *Support the Troops!* :)
LOL, that is funny! :D
Looks pretty good, nice idea, before dling it though, it would be nice to see more overview map pics.
From the pics, I think this map could have used a little bit more.
Only 10% of the weapons on the map are located in the armory. (There are only about 5 weapons in the armory, with very low ammo supplies and long...
I wasn't as impressed as I thought I would've been. It is ok, but a little more area would have been really cool. And I thought youi said the...
LOL, everyone keeps ranting about the armory :P I'm gonna list the weapons available in the armory, and with the gameplay settings you can...
Wow, near identical concept to my Cabin Fever map. Enclosed in snowbound, and I use 1 flag. I definately added many more dif, game changing...
Looks like fun, how big can parties be? I'll DL :)
Looks like a good sniping map. I'll DL it. ^_^