Based on opinions of this thread and opinions of my friends, I'll most likely be entering... Lazy Dog, Palms, Pendulum, or Tylenol and Codeine....
I'd say you change it from Iron Map Pack 2, to something else. Like use another name of the skulls instead of throwing a 2 on the end, but that's...
I've decided to enter one of my photos into the contest, but I can't decide which one. So I've listed a few I want to enter, and you guys tell me...
Maybe washout the planets a bit, that way they blend into the picture more and aren't taking away from the boat.
I think it looks really good, but there's room for improvement. The green lines on the right seem too prominent, maybe blur and darken them so...
Yeah, I did a couple block portraits with linoleum. It's fairly simple to use, and I don't think it's that expensive. Plus it lasts longer than...
I'm assuming this is Slayer, right? There should be a setting somewhere (not sure where exactly) that allows you to set the scoring as sum of...
Do you think you could get on XBL?
"The term 'pachyderm' is used outside of science to describe elephants, rhinoceroses, and hippopotamuses." - Wikipedia Right now I'm leaning...
This isn't really a name request, but more I'm asking you opinion. I'm making a map that encompasses the entirety of Foundry. It's going to be a...
"People are emo so they can have something to belong to, something to identify with." Why don't they just take up stamp collecting or something?
Cool, my temporary gamertag is Ardent Red. Also, I'm bouncing around two names, Elephant and Pachyderm, I dunno which I'll go with though.
I think the smudging ruins it, post one without it. I want to see what it looks like that way, because everything else is really good on this one.
I know we haven't talked in forever. That's mostly due to the fact I haven't forged in forever, coupled with the fact my Xbox Live account hasn't...
Well if you provided an overview of the map it would be more helpful as to see what the map is like and how the land around each map could benefit...
same here, do you live in florida?
not much, schools about to start but thats it
I think I was most impressed by the recolor of the spartan. It was very precise, man I wish I could vector half as well as you do.
Definitely the second one
What's the name of that Foundry map?