If we already sent you a PM do you want us to resend it?
It's good, but I can't tell which is the focal. Maybe move the explosion behind him more, that way you are looking back and forth between the...
I like Terrax's idea, I say we go with that.
That would be correct, I'll delete my previous post.
I'd say you consult an admin about the idea, and ask whether or not it warrants a sticky just yet. I'm not going to say any names, because you've...
It is a little pixelated, but it looks fine. I think it would look good as a logo for the thread, now we just need to get the thing up and running.
I realized it was pretty dark, but couldn't do much to change it. The lighting suggest may help out a bit though. I think the depth is off because...
I like the other text better. It's cleaner and just looks a lot better
My entry for the SOTW [IMG] Stocks [spoiler] Feedback is appreciated
I like it, but when people start submitting their signatures you should probably change the ones in the banner to ones people have submitted. You...
I guess if your really strapped for sigs to use in the banner you could use one of these... [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] ...But there's probably other...
I was just kidding about Holland... Since Turbulence is taken, I'd say the best names so far would be Zephyr, Jet Stream, or Squall. That's just...
Too me it seems a little washed out, really good, but washed out. Maybe darken it, or add some contrast to it, and see if it looks any better.
I'll be doin' some donating
He should name it Holland
Eh, I wouldn't go with Tsunami, it almost sounds cliche as a map name. If it comes out really curving and fluid, choose a name that reflects that....
Your case looses in court because the game is rated M for Mature, and your allowing you child to be exposed to that despite the rating's warning.
Seeing as a lot of your liked Tylenol and Codeine, I thought I'd post a few more of my macro shots and see you liked them any better. I also...
Oh thank you, I don't think fighting was the point of this thread. You can reply to this if you want, but I'll just ignore it because I can't hear...
Jimi Hendrix? I'd love to see how that how that one comes out, partly because I love Jimi Hendrix.