I think you should try and do Orbital next. Get a shot of the entire station.
I really like it, as for the name... "Love and Peace, or Else..." It's actually a song by U2
They all look pretty good, but the lightning effects aren't that flowing on most of them. It only really looks good on 1 and 4. They all need a...
For one reason or another I haven't been able to show you my map for sometime now, but if your still interested I've posted a preview thread here.
Not at all, I'd be happy to have it sig'd
How did you get the grain to come out so well? I've always tried something like that, it never comes out looking as good as this. As for the...
I use a FujiFilm, a very similar if not same model as your planning on getting. They get the job done, but if your in a position to save up a bit,...
I think people are giving some bad examples. If a map is named Banana, or Slowpoke Takeover, you'll probably look at it because those are really...
If you have the money to get a high end camera, get one, the learning curve is pretty much the same and they take amazing quality pictures. If I...
You should totally make your map description something about Mudkips... Anyways, the map looks phenomenal. I'd be happy to help test if you ever...
On Comedy Central, starting at 9pm tonight, they'll be showing the Fish Sticks episode of South Park all night...
Elephant is a symmetrical map based on Foundry. It uses little elevation, but focuses on utilizing floor space and sight lines to boost gameplay....
Wow, I must say the video really makes this map look great. The gameplay looks great and I can't wait until you post it so I can get some games in...
I'd be willing to take a shot at helping you with this. I've only posted one map here, and it wasn't that good, but I've learned a lot since then....
I love the title of the map. I don't know if you know it, but Milk is the title of a Kings of Leon songs, which (for me at least) makes the title...
He only said something about it once and that was... "Of course I have friends, I'm the King!"
I could test depending on the time you wanna do it. I love what you did with the place, and I'd be happy to help you test. gt: Krazy Kumquat
Here's an idea... Go buy a guitar, learn how to play it, and play any song you want on it. There, problem solved. I seriously never understood the...
I wear Rogue because it looks smaller. Not because of some stupid gameplay thing, but because most of the other helmets look a little too engorged...