Hey; I'm up to the challenge.. And my Boarding Action remake is almost complete! >=) (Except instead of original, you'll fall for liek... ever...
Looks very nice, I'll dl once I clear some stuff off tomorrow..
I like neither. The outside of Blackout is much better then all of them with higher barriers and bigger length.
I could show you if you want, just add me: X Evil Panda X I'm kinda bored and 14, so don't expect something that I'm not.
Someone just posted a map with a floor outside blackout >.> its in forge discussion.
Cool, dling! *Goes off to delete boxes and make boarding action
I've set like every object possible on WEpitaph in the same area with no effect. I'm determined now.
Thanks a lot guys, the remember your first design helped a lot. Well, my map is near completion now, so this discussion is done :)
Simple enough, thanks for the comment and the reassurance!
Okay well... If I can say so I'm pretty good at forging, the only reason my maps never make it public is because I eventually drop them and forget...