Truely, a friend told be about it at about the same time i have been finding their maps :squirrel_jaffa:
it doesnt matter, you cannot link 3 vehicles together
A symetrical one, but balence the weapons, give one side a weapon spawn, make sure to give the other side the same weapon, in a similar spot...
Hey, ill help out :) i have alot of expirience with forge, its one of the first aspects of the game i liked GT : MostFoozy
This is what i believe: Me and my friend discovered this (pheonixpatriot), we found out no matter what, if one of the 2 vehicles were destroyed,...
Alright, this is how to make a vehicle fly, im not sure if this has been found out by anyone else, but im doing this anyway: You cannot make it...
Well , a while ago i used to play an MMORPG game called EverQuest... about a few years into the game and expansion CD came out and i got it. There...