It's just something I created to play with my friends to get into the styling of Halo 4. Obviously it's not exact, since I can't drop ordinance,...
I was ballin' on a budget, with limited pieces, and I needed a significant landmark to help players ground themselves. It works well, and I'm not...
I posted it. If you have any comments, feel free to share. Most people who helped test it probably won't even see it. haha
[IMG] This map is now like... I don't know.. 6 months old. It is just a Big Team Battle map for fun. It's essentially just a very large...
I'm all for personal choice, but there is a reason for mine. Don't insult it and you're welcome to your own.
They use the d-pad to switch grenade types in Resident Evil: ORC, and it feels pretty natural to me actually. Once you have it in your mind, it's...
Correction, this would be my ideal. I know many of you think it's stupid, but it's how I play: RT - Shoot LT - Grenade RB - Reload LB - Sprint...
In the Resident Evil: ORC game, clicking forward makes you sprint, but if you just click it down, it does nothing... so if it can distinguish...
Jesus Christ, this.
Yeah, but it was just the reach shotgun. Not one gun looks the same as it used to, so that was obviously thrown in real quick to keep his...
Should be soon, my man.
I wish I could at least see some confirmation of the shotgun. I know there was an earlier leaked photo that showed it being a main weapon...
footage of needler/storm rifle Halo 4 Tournament - MLG Pros and Developer Commentary on Adrift - YouTube
Team slayer seems so much more interesting to me.
I don't care, I said demote me like 4 months ago. haha
I don't know, the wording in that paragraph doesn't really say "NO ONE TALKS ABOUT THINGS THEY'VE HEARD."
I don't really agree with that. Discussing something you've seen and spreading it are two different things.
As far as I've been able to tell, you can still pick up the grenades on the map, just not ones that players drop... but that might not be correct....
I'm the only one who liked the radar that showed height? lol