****er. They didn't do my suggestion for Recon. Lol I'll try out Recon and Fishstick and see what I like more. Fishstick might be more for me...
God I'm sick of this community. Congrats on the winning map, Dax. I got on just to run around on it and it's nicely made.
Despite the frame-rate issues that it suffers, I thought it was really well built and you had some nice object usage. I felt like I was on a real...
If you google 'Halo 4 jackal', you'll get some much clearer pictures of the jackal. It doesn't look nearly as bad as that picture. I think he...
Speaking of all this, I wish the elites were portrayed more like they were in Halo Wars cutscenes.
I know there is gonna be a **** ton of options, but I just don't see that one happening.
yeah, but you fixed the problem I had with their designs. It looks so much more... Halo.
This is also my favorite so far as well. What I don't understand from a design point of view though is why they chose to take the skin tight suit...
I would kill for that gun back.
I'm not sure if its the armor or skin or both either, but that was my top choice. If you're definitely interested, I'll keep in touch and get back...
Works for me. haha
Well then, I shall hit you up around the time the game comes out and we'll talk more about it then. Where are you from? I want to make sure the...
I'm good for it. Any number of the staff can vouch for me that I'm an honest dude. Anyways, back on discussion. I have settled down with the...
So this is random and a shot in the dark, but I pre-ordered from Gamestop because it was the most viable option for me, and I absolutely despise...
Thanks anyways guys, I totally understand. Just never hurts to ask. :)
Okay, so many of you know I'm in a band and all that. I'm sure it's not the first choice in genre for many of you, but I'm asking for kindness...
thank youuuuu
We had to can the Kickstarter account cause we failed our goal, so you won't get charged. If you are still interested in donating, you can do so...