That looks like a great idea. And its also not on foundry.
Re: C.Q.B. It looks pretty good. Ill try downloading it.
That looks like a lot of fun. You should put in a couple battle rifles. You said you don't have any in the list of weapons.
Looks nice. It also look like it took a long time to make.
Looks pretty good. But it might take a while to find each other.
Not bad. I would like more pictures. And maybe try to make them bigger.
Haha this made me laugh. The dino looks funny. Yeah but I like the foot where it looks like it is steping with the bulldozers.
Looks cool. You should make it a infection map where the zombies try to take over the school and the people in it. Anyways you should also get...
Looks fun. Next time don't take your pictures when your in forge mode. You can see the spawn points and it doesn't look as good.
Hey can you try fixing your pics. there way to small.
It looks awesome. Nice interlocking. Ill download.
This looks like a great map. I got to get more space to download.
Wow this map looks great. It must of took hours to make it. Ill download once i get some more spots. It looks like a keeper.
It looks pretty good. What does the teleporters do when you fall into them.
Looks awesome and fun im downloading.
It is very sloppy. It also looks like it doesn't have much cover.
I like the gate idea. Ill DL.
SWAB THE POOP DECK. sorry i had to say that. Ill try it.
Not to bad but i don't like the idea that you can get out if the arena. I rather block it off so people couldn't hide. Otherwise it looks pretty good.
Nice, fun and really simple.