Because now they play each other in multiplayer, and bungie wanted it to be fair.
The size of sandbox was much more appealing to me.
I was saying it kills slower than the original sniper, not easier.
The regular sniper was worse, instant death, rather than a timer.
Dirty Blues, Red will prevail! Hello and welcome, Be sure to read the rules and embed!
You actually do have a choice, I remember reading somewhere that you choose one race as a preferred, and it tries to give you that race when you play.
Armor Lock Juke FTW. I loved Juking the Rocket guy with Armor lock, as I made him waste two rockets killing me!
lol, I don't think it would be good either, but the point is, that it CAN play 16 players, not should.
The limit on the right says "Only four at a time kids!"
I've played Halo 3 enough, I don't ever want to see it again. Ever. Never ever.
No it does, but the bloom is on the smaller inside reticule, not the outside one.
None of which allowed iin game voice chat above 8 players, and did you ever play splitscreen?
Why budget glitch? Budget glitching caused lag, lots of it, and staying in these Forgeworld parameters will probably give no lag. Budget glitching...
Woah, did you just lock a thread? I didn't know journalists could do that!
Pre-ordering a game makes sure that you'll have a copy, it doesn't cost anymore. As I see it, everyone on this site SHOULD pre-order reach, that...
On that list of hacked codes, does it ever say hold RB to ride Moa?
Target locater in Pinball! jk no TL in FW.
Welcome, and I just realized what ttfn meant today, so I'm proud of understanding the last 3 words! And If you post something, dont forget to...
I thought I heard they took Halo 3's engine and redid about half of the engine.
The one where you stand in the corner and teleport! YouTube- Super Mario 64 - Whomp's Fortress Teleport Shortcut‎