When did I talk to you about demons souls?
Doing a nice thing for a girl only to sleep with them is bad. I think it depends more on the situation, the tax reduction thing is a great example.
The teleporters are always an odd map addition, but they work exceptionally well in this map (not to be arrogant). But they work because the...
Rebirth Link to file link to thread [IMG] I hate deadlines!
Rebirth (It's called rebirth, because it is very heavily inspired by Guardian and Lockout) It's late, I have homework to do still, so this thread...
I thought it was clever, immediately... But the only thing tying it to a dead balloon is the halo. Some blue would be cool.
I'm pretty upset at the winners, they seemed to just ignore aesthetics and focus Ailey on gameplay. But the choices weren't too bad.
Seeing how big of an improvement Forge 2.0 is, I have nothing to complain about. edit coordinates can give you a uniform height across all of...
Why do so many people hate Reach? Anyway the map looks new and exciting, almost like you put time into this map...
My Advice is to remove the trees, they look expensive and not really like trees. You could easily put that money towards improved bases or boundaries.
I think it'd just stay in the game, instead of despawning, but I cant say for sure.
It would decrease framerate lag because framerate lag is caused by too many objects on screen, and this would reduce this number.
Im pretty sure everything can be gated, even hogs, but I think Bungie said, that there were a lot of complications with vehicles and weapons,...
Nick the Ratman and Victoriouz made that one.
This sounds interesting, but dude, please run it through a spell check. So what you're saying is that it basically makes a larger one-way cube?
You could set up a hill that takes forever to capture, that might be the best you can do, but im not quite sure how long you can have a hill's...
I cant do a ffa territories can I? and if i have to force everyone to go to one team i'll use invasion.
Oddball has the same problem where if there is only 1 person left, it ends.
I made a game of Tetris, except I dont need a zombie this time, the blocks fall on their own, Ideally I want it to end when 1 player gets to a...
^Trust Kuroda LOTS of on the field experience. TRUST ME ;)