yeah its fixed now
in the first movie there is the raptors cage and where they look out the crows nest reminded me of it or the fence wall roof kinda like cages or...
soory i cant fix the fileshare problem please forgive me its my cpu u guys are great for having this web site
Re: JURassIC PaRK (pics) cool so you noticed it is like the movie i like the red signs it reminds me of the raptors
yeah thanks gorila guy i have done it thank you
thank you cause people are just pointing out the obvious can u help me with the screenshots though
i will help anyone who post the screen shots for me and the new map is not sloppy cause those were the old version screen shot s the new ones are up
dear bvalued supporters i will do somthing nice for you if you csn help me and put pictures up
ooooh u caught me haha it was fun while it lasted anyways check out this map :squirrel_rocking: :squirrel_giggle:
thnk you guys for the tips i cant really put pictures if some one could do it for me i would be really happ y and help u forge a map cause my lay...
Re: ambush evo i think ill call this map jurasic parkthe pics dont show this but on the edges are hall ways that lin the two sections this map...
whats the initiative to climb the map what stops people from just staying on the ground and pwning the zombies and rooms full of weapons is kind...
Re: ambush evo dont mind the pics i got better ones put em up 2marrow EDIT by Furious: grunt, don't double post. We don't bump map threads...
ha un called my map sloppy :squirrel_rocking:
dear moderator i at the time can not deal with the file share issue i know u have been so kind but due to my cpu i cant fix it at the moment have...
hey death why havent u acepted my request i want ur help in stuff okay
improved fixed Ambush i totally fixed ambush totally as in from scratch no more bumping unfused boxes no more sloppy and mesyy looking walls...
Re: Ambush hey king send a friend request so u can help me
Re: Ambush um u guys should get 4 friends and play it