thnx to ur great imput i finally made the needed fixes to this map to make it all the more fun and balanced the pictures show areas that have been...
bunker2bunkerwar version2 sorry for thse who downloaded version one this is the map i made a big mistake and posted the wrong one this is the...
u got to download the map too see it cause its so big that i can only show one side at a time for the basic feel of it its like shooting back and...
cool ill have to buy the dvd now haha sounds fun i should make a map called clone wars
lol hey is that clone wars in ur animation thing it looks awsome
yeah thanks 4 the heads up
haha silly me a lot of silly hehe ur welcome and i like ur devotion
err the pics do show two bases though and the map so big u cant have an overview
weapons = one of each + 2 sniper 8 battle rifles. equipment one of each plus 2 bubble shields. yeah the map is a little sloppy but has alot of...
cool i like ur imput
bunker2bunkerwar this map has 2 bunker bases with unique design. one base has a sniping and vantage point advantage but it can be penetrated from...
sloppy i fixed that man and yes u can get on top easy and yeah i did that on purpose cause theres a flame thrower on top of the crows nest plus...
when playing swat on this map you get really tactical cause of the way it is set up it takes real skill instead of run and gun gameplay. there are...
i did these a pics dont show it though and theres a fencewall where that open area is cause i fixed it after i took the picgo to it and you shall see
in swat there is only br and equipment please note im back and this time the post is clean so is the map Hi this is a completely original and...
how do you like the post now
u gotta know red team is the dinos in swat if you want ta make an awsome game type jurasic park i will give u credit okay thats my chaleenge to...
hey lets play together man i played with creeping death yesterday
dear moderator i at the time can not deal with the file share issue i know u have been so kind but due to my cpu i cant fix it at the moment have...
dosent look very intresting