Ok, Just finished the game. Pretty good ending, ME3 should be pretty exciting. Couple of things: Shataki: I personally like the ammo mods that...
I am about 31 hours into the game, and I still can't put it down. I have done everything...and I mean EVERYTHING there is to do as far as...
I know man, I know. I've been outta Halo for months, I gotta get back into it...
Yeah man, I PM's Shock today thinking it was just me. Guess it's not. I get no subscriptions and even though a thread may say someone just posted...
Played it for like 6 hours today. Decided on Adept and it was a good decision. The thing I like the most is the Normandy is like the hub of all...
Is 60 hours confirmed? Both IGN and Official Xbox Magazine decided not to mention the games length at all in their reviews. I assume if 60 is true...
Yeah, I know they did. I saw the biotic burst power and all, but I still feel the need for a change. Adept powers look pretty sweet but the...
For the life of me I cannot decide what class I want to be. I was a Vanguard in ME1, so I want a change..... I'm leaning towards Soldier because...
Sure is my friend. One on hand football and beer is good and on the other our teams blew it. Booooo.
****ing Jets. I hate the Jets. I also hate Rex Ryan's fat face. Anyways, welcome to the offseason, I been keeping a seat warm for you...
Also known as Everyone else vs. Nintendo. The question is which one is better for the gaming community? And while we're at it, which one is...
Pow. 24588,0,50,4098,4288,0,1216,1024,25696,2048,1048,1024,24,0,24600,2
aM laboratory Fun little tone board originally posted by Epic Tusk. Played around with it a little bit and after spending some time with it I...
I think he is ranking himself based on the skill set he has seen in and around places such as this website, what's wrong with that? I think you...
Me too, cept I can't take my shirt off at work...Farmers tan FTW!
Damn you for being right....DAMN YOU TO HELLLLL!!!
LOL, I work outside so I get real dark sometimes. Now it's a running joke every summer about how many tacos I would like or whatever other racist...
Sick of the poop....I'm a Loyal at heart!
Everything I'm involved in is epic, you should know this!!
You are forgetting about Mini Wes, Julian Edleman!! LOLOLOL. Anyways, good luck this postseason, It's your best chance in a while, I can see it...