No problem man. Sometimes you jus gotta fight the man, even when you know the man is gonna win.
LOL, I was kidding. Thought it would be funny to pick on someone besides Sarge.
It's cool man, I was just trying to do my best to save what I could for the people who still care, regardless of activity. Maybe nostalgia is...
Which is kinda my point, most (not all) encounters in Halo boil down to a 1v1 or 2v1. At least in my encounters, and the precise reason armor lock...
Not a bad little tactic. Although you will have to be pretty skilled to pull that off with any regularity IMO. But you are right, if you just lock...
I'll give it credit in a multiple player fight, if you are overwhelmed and have help in the form of teammates then it is valuable. However, if...
Gotta agree on Jet Packs. Not that they are severely unbalanced or anything, but they just don' I dunno, I'm just not in love with them...
I figured as much. Ah well, guess it doesn't really matter.
Noob question, do stats and commendations from the beta carry over when the game is released?
I like this thread. Not many people I know love hockey and I will admit, I wasn't following the B's too hardcore until the olympics brought my...
You would. On an unrelated note, new Deftones = win.
Definitely not an active download. You have to sit and watch and if you leave the screen the download stops. Kind of annoying, but I had 2...
Finally dl'd and played last night, couple of observations: 1. The Needle Rifle, Plasma Repeater, and Pistol are win. 2. The DMR and Assualt...
2 hours later, 46% FML.
Yeah but how many players are in each game? 8 right? On average. So 400,000 / 8 players = 50,000 games currently being played, and 300,000 games...
Could be worse, I can't even get a drink of water from my sink. And worse than that, I was denied my coffee at 5:30 this morning because of this...
What are the differences? (too lazy to look around thread/site/internet to find out)
I've been downloading it for 20 minutes. 2% So much for Comcast high speed internet access, and the worst part is you can't even download it in...
No ****.....I spent a half hour punching in codes, and I was only 9 minutes late to the party....probly 5 minutes too late.
I fail.....I give up, I have the disk I will just have to wait. Happy shooting.