Very nice and a big improvement, I would like to see the stock though.. But I feel like it doesn't need the smudging in the background because the...
Pretty dirty, should of had the Killtacular that would have been amazing.
...on a different site?
alright im here
Extermination was alright. Had some nice clips but most were just some single no scopes. Nice killtac extrem though. H3M1 was better imo. If they...
They are great for your first. Top one is better imo, better blending. And no one will get mad at you for using tutorials, everyone does to get...
Yeah using two guys to double bounce and do challenges at the same time.
Amazing map. I am completely wow'd by this map. Me and my friend spent about 3 hrs yesterday attempting to beat this. We did cheat on a few parts...
Thats crazy. Hes like a freaking monkey. Reminds me of assassin's creed.
Nice heart........
ah thanks ill send a fr
Wow great job. Nice depth and effects. Same thing Hari suggested erase part of the c4d on the right side, the sharp one that extends into the...
Ill get it to you in the morning k
Wooah this banner isn't coming along very well lolz
Lmfao I love your sig.
Yo hoe still want that banner
Lol very true. But I would suggest no text at all.