Any better? [IMG]
[IMG] Thanks to Ice for her amazing stocks.
Thank you :[)
Okay or we could wait till you get back.
[IMG] An old .psd I fixed up a little. Not serious work at all.
This sort of idea has been done multiple times before. Not original at all in my opinion. From the pictures it looks as if you would go off of one...
Shamwow guy and now he does the slap n chop.
Give him a fkin break kid. Can't you tell its his first?
Watch out for him ^ hes dangerous. Anyway hey, welcome and I hope you have a nice time here.
I am.. Yeah the focal is fine imo. But for lighting it does have some right next to his head on each side. But ill try to add some more. v2 up
Alright a better focal? Like a more defined focal?
Hah I got another one for ya [IMG]
Yeahh [IMG] [IMG]
He out BR'd an oversheild dude..
Pretty nice. Very nice gameplay and the editing was great. I just think if the gameplay was synced better with the song it would be that much...
yeah I think, Ive never done it soo im not sure lol.
It should come with some A/V cables, the yellow, red and white ones. Just plug em in.
Yeah that was a bloodbath, you should also get some new music. Sounds like an 8 year old made it.
Lmao very nice, rated E for everyone though?