Lol well if everyone knew how to do it, then It wouldnt be amazing anymore =P Also If I show anyone its going to be 1 person not alot of people. I...
=] He didnt do too bad I guess but its kinda easy to tell.
Deployable cover...
Whats soo bad about the first one?
Ehh, I dont really like how people rate a screenshot higher or like it more because its recon...
This is one of the few effects I dont know how to do. I can do stuff similar but not quite like this.
I'm gonna have to agree. I guess its kinda interesting how the effect is kinda separated in the lower right side.
Nahh, no splazer involved... Although I would like to know what it would look like with it... O_o But anyways thanks for the complement =]
Umm no your wrong. And the first one is actually alot easyer to make then #2 Was that just a guess? Or where you saying that you knew for sure?
Thanks brah, I honestly dont see too many good screens anymore.. either that or they are all repetative.
Lol you wouldnt know about the angles unles you were making them. A diferent angle would totally change the effect. Plus it being blurry? That IS...
Lmao you dont like the packers.. I forgot. Too bad the Eagles lost =] actually... that makes me sad too..
Alright here is one of my newer screens. It Would be really cool if you could rate and download. Also I knew about his effect for a while but I...
I have been looking but I cant really find what iv been looing for... I have been looking for a foundry infection map that feels...
Yeah, I understand. Thats how I started off too. Lol wayy bake when had its old files system.
Yeah I know, Your just barly out of the explosion so it leaves that pale distored color effect instead of that dark red. And I fixed my comment,...
Mhmm also I added another Screenshot to the other post.
Hmm your right... and sorry, I'm going to have to keep this one a secret. The other involvs a splazer though if you couldnt figure it out ;)
I know, I like the purple in the lower left corner. How it meets the other colors it looks like a explosion kinda... And I like the rings around...
It could use a little work but I cant really re-do it untill I get my box back next week but for now tell me what you think. : Bungie...