Lol, I might expand my list later on =]
Hello, I'm vanert but my real name is Michael. You may know me as the founder of Team Mythic. =] Some of you may be wondering "What the heck is...
Regardless, it was still well executed.
Lawl, it made me laugh. Thanks for the lolz.
Its alright. I would give it a 7.5
I like the SMG, but the effects are easy to get. but still I give the first one a 7.5
I would say that they are ok.
Hmm yeah I saw that update. I didnt look at the artists name though. But that was a good guide. Good job =]
Thanks alot for the complements but like I said before "But i'm not going to give out any more hints =]" You guys can guess but you wont know for...
Ehh, sorry guys.. I know its dissapointing. But if someone finds a screen that no one knows how to do, they are going to keep it a secret at elast...
Hmm suprising it doesnt use either... But i'm not going to give out any more hints =] thanks for the download! Big help! =D
Here Is a new effect I just found! Please go to the link to rate and comment! And possibly download =P That would be greatly appreciated. Heres...
I pretty much think Moonlite Sonata is the best because of the excellent posing =] too bad you cant add effects on blackout because well... Its...
Mmhmm. Thats what I try to do. Not only make them crazy, but also to completely confuse anyone who tryes to recreate it. I just like the...
Thanks, how would you rate it?
Gonna have to agree. Super easy to get and you can barly see anything let alone the spartan posing... I dont know what you other guys are talking...
Hey hows it going? Get any new screenshots?
Guys new screenshot ^_^ Take a look =P
Thanks Brah =]