Can do. Map Style: MLG Name Preferences: Starts with "MLG" and sounds cool Map Discription: Two bases (most likely multi level bases) leading to...
Im looking for a name for my next competitive (actually, its MLG, I gotta update my sig lol). I dont really want to give any major deatails away,...
1. YouTube - Halo 3 trailer spoof. 2. YouTube - Halo 3 Trailer- FUNNY 3. YouTube - Halo 3 spoofs Note: None of these are mine. I found them...
I hate to be 'that guy' but thats an energy sword. Again, I apoligize for being a prick, because your an amazing forger, but thats an energy...
YouTube - Dude flips the F*ck out on a coworker
lol the first vid is by far the best, but i lol'd hard at this one too.
I have a cool/kinda funny assembly pic that you could probably like put the title and/or end credits over. Here it is if you want it:...
Bungie Pro Video Question I didn't renew my Bungie Pro Subscription I aquired from the Mythic Map Pack today, (Bungie Day) so can I still get...
Here's a sneak peak from bungie at all of the new maps. Longshore's lookin' pretty good IMO.
Yeah, this was recently in a collection of switches I made (not saying I invented it, also I cant give a link because of advertising, but its in...
Which one? The first or second? Link please?
When u step on the small blocks, they shift and touch the damaged column piecies that line the bottom. The damaged column pieces also shift and...
Ha, thanks for the comments guys, appreciate it, just be sure to give me credit if it's used in a map! *laughs whole-hearted jolly laugh that is...
Sandbox Switches These are two pretty simple switches I built, since I've hit a dry spot with my in-progress maps. Pay attention so I dont have to...
Looks very nice. I don't really like remakes but hey, thats just me. You get a 4.75/5 and a cookie.
looks pretty good. I have to agree with Paragon Fury though, you should replace the sword with a 0-clip rocket launcher. 4/5 for asethetics, and...
I gots one."][IMG][/URL]
The column structure is interlocked. The roofs on the building are interlocked. The arch is interlocked, along with a load of other interlocked...