.psd I believe. So what do I do?
How do I get a photoshopped image onto FH? I tried uploading one to photobucket but it told me the file was invalid.
File, save movie saves it as a MSWMM.
If you are an aspiring machinima director who uses Windows Movie Maker, then this guide is for you. Usually when you try to upload a video to...
Okay, and thanks for all your help, I'll be sure to mention you and natu in my post once the maps finished.
FIRST....lol jk. Haha, I'm suprised the kid with the camera didnt get the crap kicked out of him XD. I actually made a funny remix of the first...
I checked MLG Guardian and it had it with 1 spare clip at 150?
Thanks for the answers on Rockets and powerups, but what about the mauler?
I'm working on an MLG map, and wonder what the recommended respawn time/spare clips for certain weapons/powerups are. -Rockets -Mauler -Active...
Original: YouTube - Greatest freak out ever (ORIGINAL VIDEO) My Remix: YouTube - Greatest Freakout Ever *REMIX* I added a color spectrum...
It looks pretty good. You should add a weapon list so we know what weapons there are. I also think you should remove one of the energy swords. The...
lol it almost remids me of Blackout, Epitah, and Gaurdian all combined (in a good way) with your own touch of win. Lookin forward to this one. You...
Pics aren't working for me? Oh well, it sounds fun. One way you can get rid of thesecond honor rule is disable the vehicle use for the mice....
Hi there! You also, said you like participating in events, I see. You should go check out the Forge Hub announcments thread. They have a lot of...
Ha i almost posted that other office vid, I just liked this one better, and its shorter.
Im pretty sure you can toggle the censors off. Just look under where it says 'Text Comments' and click 'Options'. If not then this sucks.
Those all sound really good, and way better than MLG Carnage. I shall call it.... 'MLG...
The first one is funny because of the bad graphics IMO.
If you look closely the guy who gets attacked is throwing something and I'm not sure if he hit the other guy accidently or on purpose. As for the...
Its slightly unoriginal, I know, so the humor may have gone away a bit. But the lighting IMO is very good for an action shot. The blue glow from...