I dont really care for the first or second, however the beggining of the third sounds pretty cool. The Halo guitar theme is a little.....meh........
YouTube - Potter Puppet Pals in "The Mysterious Ticking Noise"
lol dads can lie in a creepy seductive pose while wearing the wtf blanket
Ha why would you automatically associote KoRn with killtage? *sarcasm* But anyways, anyone have any suggestion as to what to use?
im gonna put the biohazard part at the end credits (without the presents part of course lol) because after presents ill put the title of whatever...
YouTube - My Intro What do you think? If it seems like bad quality thats the thing I was going for lol. Im going to start off with some comedies...
I just found a teaser trailer on machinima.com for the next Arby 'n' The cheif. Machinima.com - Next Arby 'n' the Chief: Teaser Trailer
Stock [IMG] v1 [IMG] v2 [IMG] The only major changes from the v1 to the v2 is I used the dodge tool to make it look like there was more smoke.
thanks. ill try some more difficult stuff soon. Oh, and heres the stock: [IMG]
I found this pic of my hometown, (yes I'm from Chicago) and made it into my sig. I didnt do much because the pic was already pretty good lookin,...
None taken, what do you mean by "I didnt do it"? Is that good or bad lol? Anyway I used Photoshop CS3.
[IMG] Whaddaya think?
You cant upload an image directly from bungie.net. You either have to save it, upload it to photobucket, then copy the IMG code and paste it here....
YAY!! It worked! Sorry for being such a n00b. Thanks evreryone.
i liek teh retr0z. How do you make it? Juicy or something? Or is it Nova? Or both? lol, Anyway they all look great (especially retro), keep up the...
YouTube - Bl00D F1R3's New Forge Hub Meber Guide! Here is a tutorial on how to properly post and add screenshots, made by Bl00D F1R3.
no /thread and just so this post isnt sapm ill give a detailed response. like someone said earlier, once you die you go to heaven. you...
First off thats spam, and your flaming him. Hes obviously posting on forgehub to get better. If I were you, I would either delete or edit that...
Ok. Thanks in advance. EDIT: It didnt work. Oh well, thanks anyways guys.