Are you sure it wasnt the pit? Lol, jk, but I seriously did think upon reading the beggining you were just some idiot playing on The Pit. Thats a...
Heretic looks like its gonna be a great map IMO.
OMG it looks liek it r gun be moer awesoem tehn teh mudkkips in battl3 t0aDs!!!1!!!1!!!1! In all seriousness this looks like it will suck.
I was playing the ghostbusters demo and I didnt think it was scary at all untill I bumped into something and the ghost popped out. I shat bricks.
Whoa, I'd definetley go to a doctor if I were you. It sounds pretty strange and unusual.
Plamsa pistols are excepted in some cases, and the sniper does not HAVE to be drop spawned. It seems kind of small, unless theres some kind of...
Tehy must b soem kind of sekr3t brut3 3gg!!!11!!1!!!!1! On a more serious note, nice find, I might go try this later. But seriously, do you...
Taking off the ODST's helmet has been confirmed. And to the OP, ODST is already finished. A poll isnt going to change anything.
^ This one pwns. Elite: Watch my backflip!! Oh shi- *3 seconds later* Spartan at far right: Damn, thats gotta hurt!
I got up to 11 seconds.
Township* is a great map, it has a ton of buildings and hidden weapons with scarse ammo. Great map. I haven't tried ODS3 yet but that looks pretty...
I looked at it but it still wouldn't hurt to embed it. Got to and search your gamertag. Once you find the pic just click on...
Team SWAT, Team Snipers, and if I'm the mood to just relax I usually play some social slayer or action sack.
Looks amazing, great work on the odst dude guy thing computer. (what editing software did you use in the vid btw?) I'll DL tomorrow, its time i...
*face palm* where have YOU been? ODST has two discs. One with multiplayer as you said. But you said it doesnt have matchmaking or custom games....
It looks like a pretty good map, I'll DL tomorrow (I'm to tired and lazy to do it now) and try to comeback with some more input. It looks greatly...
looks good. 8/10. I would suggest locking down the crates and dumpsters though, using reciever nodes or weapon holders. The weapon list has...
Just like Uh hmm Ya said, there does seem to be a bit to many weapons. You should try interlocking also, and turn the boxes upside down for a...
I already downloaded this :). I played it in bungie vs world (Congrats on having your map in that btw) and it was the only one I liked and thought...
Yeah, you should probably block off the whole back section if you're not going to fill it in some more. If you've ever played grifball on a...