want to see the Most Hard to reach areas on the campaign? my team of MGC SRGT Zack, Blackmagic105, and me, Gman9091 will show you the most awsome...
todaty i was doing campaign with my friend blackmagic105 and we did the ark, we got to the big open area with the scarab, he took a chopper and...
There are many games that for some reason people have religous reasons for disliking or disaproving of, i am not trying to offend you for...
i have some Qs about good interlocking Q1: how do i merge a 3rd box to make a narrow, crouch-only tunnel, how do i make it the right hight? Q2:...
Made By Gman9091 Links: Game Map I made this yester, its a pretty fun race track here are its best points. 1.uses a special type of obstacle (see...
this is a new puzzle map i made (y GT is Gman9091) and it is on Blackout Story: you are the spec-ops lone Member, you must go through the enemy...
i am sorry, i cant do this as the maps have insufficient space/items, mods please delete this