y know i h8 it when that happens, i put a couple hrs into a map that i was sure was original and some1 else has already done it..... I looked at...
Yes, we all remember that game from so long ago. You know the one - you have a gun, your at a range and you shoot the ducks. Well, a friend and I...
great map m8! definately downloadin, cant wait to see more
Re: [Glitched] Teleports To Roof Beams Map good glitch m8, been trying to do that for ages, dont mind if i down load and keep that so i can edit...
Yes, a simple thing like soccer can be fun if the map is made correctly. It was not that hard to put the map together and I want to make sure I'm...
looks good, dling now
hm, not bad at all for a first infection, dont know why i lvoe them, i just do
im a zelda fan if u cant tell by my name and i have 1 word......beautiful, just beautiful, you recreated everything wonderfully i can see where...
a. indivudal pics are now up b. personal opnion, and might be casue i made the map of course, but i can usually get 16 ppl on that map and we go...
does the slideshow i posted not work? i got all images on photobucket so i can link, give ma a couple min
btw i just noticed about publising maps on bungie, how do i do that exactly, im gonna mess around but i might not be able to find it
My first map posted on forge hub, hope you like it. This is a map that I build awhile back, it features a couple nice weapon cashes for pickup...
ah think i found it...some hidden respawn areas=p guess my blank map aint truly blank, thanks
wth tis free this thursday!?!?!? i just bought the herooic pack...........anyways cant wait to see what uve made, add me to ur list if u would=] -...
w00t!!!! love the maps u guys make, got half my slots fiulled w/ em, ive got some nice mpas meself but they still got all those stupid spawn...