seems easy yes, but more than likely the zombie will get somebody before they get in there so if 2 zombies rush they can slowly take them out, its...
no its the area thats a secondary base, in one fo the pics u see the tele that leads to it(3 actually) the ghost spawns after 2 min and the stairs...
the map is made good, but as alot of ppl have said the subject may have been a bit bad, with the whole ww2 thing, thats cause' it happened so long...
Downloads: Map - game type(required) -...
looks good, noticed its more of a place moveable objects to make a base, which you dont see many of, so I'll dl and give it a shot
i dont have a video capture card, other wise id have posted it there long long ago, wish i could help you there
My friend and I were on avalanche for awhile trying to come up with an awsome jump, the following vids are those nice jumps, tried to post em on...
lol, good map i will say, first puzzle was the hardest for me, and yea you can break it in multiple places he left a couple out i just gotta find...
ill dl and give it a shot, just casue i love mazes
o....... ur descriptions made it seem like i skipped from puzzle 1 to puzzle 4...... maybe a little more discretion on that..... and i do have a...
My quick observations i should have said before..... you can skip directly to puzzle 4, you can grab the sniper and kill ur self with it, which...
ill have ti for in a bit then, on a game called mythos atm so im not really on halo but when i get back on ill make a vid and post it on my file...
i think u misunderstood me...... i could solve it pretty fast BECAUSE of the hints u gave.....tho i spend most of my time doing puzzles anyways...
once again anotehr good map, though your hints give a little to much help. I'm more of an ametuer puzzle maker myself though, so if you ever felt...
I did test it, with 3 ppl runnin it at once, though it was mainly designed for 1 person at a time, we tried for a couple hours and couldent get...
any1 solve it yet?
=] good to hear u likked it
looks decent, thionk id prefer to try it first b4 i dl as im gettin full, when im on send me an invite
Yes it's a maze, but I consider it more like a big puzzle. Somehow I decided I wanted to make a maze, and i turned it into what you see in the...
Re: The Best Way for Beginners to Learn The Battle Rifle Great idea i must say, though the map might need a little work. But i think its...