At the moment it only supports slayer but its still fun to race through...
Update with new pictures!
Recent screenshots is taking forever to update on bungie...Will update screenshots tomorrow.The begining area is a vehicle hanger.You can choose...
Raz Biggest indoor racing map (its huge!) on reach! Download now and Playtest! Only supports slayer at the moment.Theres no flickering and...
Seneca V 1.0 Remade one of my Halo 3 maps : ) If you have any feedback feel , free to it post here.Seneca only works with (Team)slayer at the...
Any tips on making the map better?finaltom?
Slayer and team slayer are only supported at the moment.
Its good for ffa based gametypes and 2v2.
Wasnt going to enter it...
Palace v1.0 Update ------------------------------------------------------------ Palace is a spirtual remake of Halo 2s gemini . [IMG] [IMG]...
I've already edited some more stuff,but the only problem is that its smallers than shocks.
Foundation It doesnt really play like halo 2 foundation(outside of the level anyways) and the rooms are made out of 6 double boxes.
Any ideas to improve it?
What do you mean by older level?
Finaltom is one of my best friends on xboxlive and he helped me by capturing the video that i recorded in theater because i dont have a capture...
Seneca Seneca is a 4 story building of carnage that is to mustly 80% merged and clean execpt for the recent add on to the top which has not been...
halostrikers an ok guy
made this in about 2 hours by myself...but ya some areas are sloppy
O let me upload that again but its just the turet from the secret tunnel from the inside perspective