Hmmmm, this is an interesting discussion so far. Personally, I would say that morals are relative, plain and simple. Generally, they are based...
I can understand your problem, as it has happened to me many times before. Personally, with the improvements made to the bump problem by Bungie on...
The only problem that i could see with this as an elevator is that it is one way. However, i have no fear the the wonderful guys and gals over at...
I have the Mythic map pack as well. GT: Cerberus Beast (orly?)
Alright, here's what I would do: 1. Place your box where you want it. This is your base for the rest of the octagon. 2. Use a double box to line...
I noticed that many people in this thread want an angle tutorial. I would be honored to do a tutorial for the site, with permission from...