Hey folks, I just realized that using stairs as a guide WILL NOT give you a desired 30 or 60 degree angle. The rough angle measurements for any...
Though I have yet to play a match of this, I am sure that this will be an insane map to play on. Early congratulations on what's sure to be an...
No, you do not have to be host to go under the map, but it can be tricky if you are. Just make sure that you are right on top of the blue spawn...
It also refers to interlocking an object into the one that you want to geomerge, then bracing the hell out of it with teleporters. Grab the object...
Yeah, I figured that without doing a practical test of an algorithm, I can't really help you. Also, my SketchUp is being all funky, so I can't...
Unfortunately, I am not at all accustomed to geomerging double boxes for use as ramps, but I may be able to help anyways. I would suggest placing...
Follow this link. Very useful indeed. Please not that this method produces a very specific angle, if you need a ramp at a 45 degree angle or...
Would you please post pictures of the map so far? That way, many of the more experienced forgers can get an idea for the layout of the map and...
Zander, thank you for the comment. However, could someone tell me how to end hyperlink text or change it to say "this link" or something? I...
Also, in addition to what phil said, you didn't post the due date for the map, nor did you geomerge the template part into the wall, or at least...
This is a very interesting idea, and i hope it goes far. In terms of architecture, use a lot of 30 degree angle interlocks to create a curving...
Honestly, when I experience 'deja vu' it is more a sporadic, singular frame from an event. I'll being doing something, and then a frame from a...
Personally, I feel that most MLG maps are too spartan, if you'll excuse the pun. They are all basically built the same way and with the same...
If you post pics, I may be able to help you. You can post 'em here or send me a PM, whatever your preference is. I am not the best geomerger, but...
I personally have tried multiple things to prevent/fix this, but none of them have worked. So the following will not help you: placing...
Thanks for all of the feedback guys. All of you have made valid points in terms of why this switch probably will not create positive gameplay. I...
Val, I very much appreciate that you could use a gravity switch to get the same effect as what I am doing on my map, but the method in which the...
This isn't quite correct, as I already said that I have built the switch. However, I was worrying about abuse and balance issues with its...
Alright folks, here is the deal: I have begun to make a map on the crypt, and I have decided to make a conquest map. One of the major things that...
The reason I believe that you have met Christians who are, as you say, not as 'good' as people who are atheists is a simple, albeit objective one....