wow this was sooo much fun you should try goin to the top of the building and going into the teleporter you fly so far and you can jump the rest...
theres no doubt this si the best scarab map ever... when i clicked on this i thought it was going to be like all the others and you really shocked...
wow, very nice i like how you combined a purly asthetic map and a race track together sort of like sky pyramid, the race track itself is simple...
i dont think a flag map would work well on this map because by the time you pick it up u can hide in there base then run quickly across and sneak...
im not sure if i really like the tubes on the map it sort of takes away from the asthetics but for the gameplay itself its realy good, if there...
i agree, but id like to add considering the size of this map and the amount of power weapons you placed its just not going to be fun for anybody...
personally i fell that this is way to small of a map especially if you have alot of hornets and banshee's so id say you should definatly expand...
ummmm actually no its not im still not able to see the pictures if this isnt fixed soon i will inform a moderator
ok thx for all the comments ill keep that in mind for next time
this was a map video i did. I just wanted to see what you thought tell me if there are any improvements i could do to make the video better. yea...
yea basically me and spazmonkey92 were just messin around and we accidentally found that the flag to be moves if **** by a fusion coil. im not...
yea well if u need any help with it you can send me a message on XBL
this is a fun thing for you to try and do but it isnt the best option, but if you pull it off you'll look like a pro, anyways if your tired of...
good start but you need to try and keep more of a constant speed when moving and also becarful when turning not to make it choppy. another good...
thats really random lol
Wafflejack this is my account and ive recently started uploading videos there glitchs and some betrayal clips and soon to be montages, hopefully...
this is just a vid of me and my friend finding another pelican that you can play with move it about just thought you might wanna see...
send me a message if you find any reasoning behind this occurence because its happened about 3 to 4 times now and its starting to get irritating
yea i was actually still in matchmaking and i didnt get pulled out and after i signed back in my rank went up to 13 lololololol it was really...
u can tell its not a system link because we come out into the matchmaking bit where u can party up. also this happened on may 9th