i really dont know what to say that was just amazing i thought the bit where he flung his cloths off while fliping and spinning and...
i reeally like the map and a video is one of the best ways to show off the gameplay but there were a few bits in your vid where you just stared at...
ok i agree with everyones critisism but hasnt anybody really cared that its black and white for me that takes away from the actual gameplay i mean...
well here you can CnC this if you want this was my attempt at a stock sig, i dorealise that the body of the person go a lil messed up but yea [IMG]
very good map i see that alot of effort was put into this map, and good that you did it turned out great it all looks amazing but i think you...
no offence but i do think this map is rather sloppy and a little cluttered, but i will give you some points for creativity not many people try...
that really is just beyond beleif but still awsome, did everyone enjoy minority report then?
yea i know i sortof noticed that when i was making it but since i dodnt think it was going to turn out all the great i decided just to leave it...
im not very good with stocks but yea have a look [IMG] CnC please
these were pretty sweet nice job
i was calling them fags in the title but at the end i have the message F@G's FTW show my support against marshyd13 who is really just an ass who...
I saw Marshyd13 in a game of living dead on halo 3, he quit early so i said he was a *** because he quit early, without thinking i had forgotten...
i prefere the dark themes but i have to say that this is an amazing first attempt i cant wait to see how this looks when your finished
maybe you should think about including some pictures of the original map for others who havent actually seen the original but i must say this is a...
ok well im not sure how much better this is but thats whi i have you guys so here this is V1 to refresh your memorie: [IMG] here's my V2...
[IMG] yea i posted this on the fourms and only got one very breif CnC this is definatly the place to post ur newest creations because people just...
TBS great map once again i really enjoyed playin this map with you this weekend, i didnt find any problems with it until for some really stange...
[IMG] this is a new sig i made i would like to see what the community has to say about it please CnC
[IMG] i dont know how good this is, and im not sure how well the text works im not very good at choosing text for me sigs