i dont really thin too many tips are required for the driving section of this challenge, the main this is to stick close together, but the first...
i never saw the v1 but i just finished messin about on this and it was alot of fun i was quite surprised actually cuz i thought it was going to be...
nintendo 64 goldeneye beats all no matter what, all other nintendo games that is
well i already know this is very ummm explosive, and i made it a while ago before some of my other sigs, its quite contrasting and overdun but i...
yea i know but even so it will still be awsome, it was just so well thought out come on your not sayin you dont like it are you?
sorry this url failed but anyways ill have to agree with people who think that the new assassins creed looks amazing and i cant wait to purchase...
i started off in just the maps mainly mini gamees just lookin for map to mess about on, but then i stated to move more into the community and now...
wow that looked pretty sweet i wasnt really ecpecting that but btw mind the language on here you can get easy infractions for it but other than...
this does look very cool, very nicly forged, the gameplay was alot of fun, personally i didnt find that this had any flaws i really genianly...
this looks really cool but i dont know how much i would enjoy it for certain games because for some there will just be too many movments required...
i dont want to sound insulting to anybody here but some people know too much about halo, in general
diversity deserved it they had so much creativity
yea me to they look amaziung if so
it would be cool to know how to have your sig play music thanks in advance if anyone shares he secret
the effects in there montage were amazing ihae seen there montage so man times and absolutly love it, th on top of that the multikills are insane,...
well ill say it looks amazing aswell should be a whole new xperience from that last
lol u got soo much spam
adam.... definatly beats the rest of your sigs
yea FBWalshyFTW doesnt really have much of his own stuff on his youtube channel he basically partners up with everyone so he can get more subs and...
lolololol this is geat " ill kick you with my fist" lololololol