yea u should do what he says bacause u get bored without communication
yea the map themed montages is a first great idea
they wont completly take away the controler used games because you cant play all games interectivly, because i know that bearly anybody would want...
i say it still looks pretty cool and i want to ride the snow mobile
wow you just totally took him down with that statement, but that makes sence if he thinks thats true but i dont agree with his statment
lol so true sooo true.....
thats very true microsoft dont tend to lie about much nowadays so this could be pretty legit so lets just hope that there fairly far along but...
well if its anything like the video it must be fairly far through it but obviously that is based solely upon the fact that the natal video is real
i have no idea i was tryin to run that through my head aswell, maybe the person who originally posted it will enlightenus by explaining what he...
lets just continue to hope its real because it will be awsome if it is
there great actors and i mean think about it this way if they hadnt done it then we wouldnt of has starwars that we know today, you just have to...
YouTube - HOSTED BETRAYAL :: Justified Betrayal :: By Eclippppppppse awsome clip post your opinions on wheather or not you think its justifyed
that was a really cool vid and yea definatly only in the futur nothing near the now
well do you think there only bashing them to get more people on there side, and to try and weaken microsoft?
ok thank you for clearin that up it seemed as if you didnt like starwars and i absolutly loved it so yea but i do agree with your first statement.
are you sayin you didnt like the movie starwars of you dont like the people that acted in it because it seems lame or both?
yea its good especially since you drew it obviously there are some insane people who can do it perfectly but this for me is still good
yea the wii is gone once this hits not doubt about that and i agree with the old republic that it is amazing but i mean sure it may be nerdy but...
i agree NATAL was much more advanced the motion demo doesnt even compare what so ever
eh that was ok but the one on rats nest is better