YouTube - how to play grifball here enjoy
does anyone here think lost planet 2 looks a whole lot better than 1?? and i think i prefere the tropical land, also the co-op campaign is sweet
well im assuming this person was fairly bad with it because it wasnt at the start of the game and he must have dont much so i still say its justifyied
it was ok i agree to longof an intro should shortan that and definatly lower the weaqpons unless you cant since its in xbl
yea definatly take it back cuz it should be in warrenty but i dont know what is wrong with it
lost planet 2 looks absolutly amazing i never bought the first one but i think i might end up getting this one just to fight the giant bugs, plus...
hhahahahaha this is awsome thx hopefully i can pull this off in matchmakin
im not a huge ds fan but that does look pretty good for ds but still not a fan
they never really chose a good range of songs
i didnt enjoy mass effect in any sence i found it to be very boring and dull and im in no way interested to see the new one
i dont care what people say this game looks like alot of fun because you can do so much crazy stuff and mutate which is awsome so you could just...
lol sounds like a funny game, can you feed it till it explode's
you know i wasnt expecting many people to tkae the seriously i mean it was a good clip and funny becase yes whatever he betrayed somebody but then...
you stole my normal armor and i joined first so u stole my colors muhaahahahhaah
actually alot noeeds to stay the same you knwo how alot of people find the wii childish i mean i sortof agree but you can have fun every now and...
i wouldnt mind being apart of this im just wondering what sort of games you'll play like will it be only competitive or casual? and i do say good...
yea i guess so and if you get better at making vids ( not saying your bad u just said in the vid you were still gettin better im the same) you...
thank you so much and thanks to the person who made this
i looks pretty cool at first look it looked like a spaceship lol but anyways back to the map, i like the use of the raps it adds to the map...
YouTube - Indestructible - A Halo 3 Montage - Lots of MLG! look at 7:30 i have played this warmup before but never got the map does anybody know...