Don't listen to this BK randle scandle, he's got no clue. Welcome to the Forgehub.
<3 Sweet reference, bro. Welcome to the Forgehub.
Yeah, but the ass every 3 seconds makes up for it.
THere was once a girl who didn't know love till a boy broker her head.
Reach campaign as a female = major dat ass
Hawts a Cospe
baaaaaaaatlllee breewwwaaa
You all aren't thinking in the big picture. The whole point of the fin was to get the "baton" handed off. Everyone's death (sans Kat's) was a...
Look what i found dood. it's a raisons
I loooooold
Poasty toasty
Guys guys guys. It doesn't actually over write your save file. If you're forging, and you save, and then a friend joins... and if the friends...
your conection sucks
like my ****.
Beaaaaay teaaaaaay. Let's make an infecshun maype on boaardwelk...
Poastyyy tooassttyyy