I doo as well. but that's your opinion.
odst pauldrons = sex
700 cR a game, 5 minute game. 6 games = 4200 cR, 30 mins play time. so, if you play for a little over an hour, that's 8,000 creds. 125 hours of...
halo mayne
I'm like ___ this much from captain.
The point is the the trolling the Optic Fanboy. We just happened to be 1v1ing when we recorded this convo.
YouTube - Fanboy of the Year: OpTic Goon Melt didn't turn down his gamevolume, so some dialouge is hard to hear, but mostly, tis cash.
No one likes you. :D
Baby come back, you can blame it all on meee!
Bt test our map now plz
My school blocks redtube
I'll watch it when I get home today!
'de heloooooo
linky linky linky
If june were a spartan, he would be 1 and a half times taller than the rest of his squad. He also sounds different, and acts different. /thread
tesssssssst teeeeeest Added after 2 minutes: ighk;g
But the ones we paid for on the disk suck, and don't work with reach.
The cage is a guardian spiritual sucsessor, zealot is midship. Sword base and Powerhouse are also not new, anyone who played the beta knows what...